The highlight of our evening is the presentation of Debutantes. 
The debutantes, young ladies attending the Ball for the first time, will be escorted into the ballroom by their fathers or escorts and introduced to our distinguished guest, who officiates this portion of the evening. The debutantes and their escorts then open the dancing with the traditional waltz; the other guests join the dancing after the debutantes’ solo. 
Debutante balls date back centuries, when fathers introduced their daughters to society: to the community in which they lived. The Helicon Ball is one of the only debutante balls in Canada. At the Helicon Ball, family participation is emphasized and the debutantes are introduced to the Helicon Society and to the community at large.
The night of the Ball is the culmination of many weeks of preparation. Practices are scheduled so that the couples are comfortable with their entrance routine and ample practice time is allotted for the girls and their fathers/escorts to learn the Opening Waltz.

If you are interested in being a debutante, please contact:
Check out our facebook event page: 63rd Helicon Ball