2023/2024 Class Location Update
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For more information about the high school program or to donate, please contact: education@heliconsociety.com
In 1961 the Hungarian Helicon Society formed a Helicon School Committee, which helped develop an extra-curricular program that offered Hungarian classes for high school students. In 1969, the Helicon School became recognized by the Toronto Board of Education as a credit course program, then in 1994, the Separate School Board in Toronto also started to support Hungarian credit courses.
Recently, approximately 40 students in grades 9 through 12, annually, are taking advantage of the opportunity to study Hungarian literature, grammar and history at the school. The school plays an important part in educating first, second and third generation Hungarian Canadians, and also other members of our multicultural community who are interested in Hungarian heritage.
The high school courses offered by the Toronto Catholic District School Board’s (TCDSB’s) International Languages Program and students are awarded high school credits, which they can use toward the completion of their Ontario Secondary School Diploma.The program is open to all students of any faith including those who attend non-TCDSB schools (the credits are accepted by other Ontario school boards, including public school boards and private schools).
While the high school program is administered by the TCDSB, the Hungarian Helicon Society continues to play an important role through its financial support and assistance to the program throughout the year.
With the support for the 2023/2024 year from:
Bethlen Gábor Alap
